August 12, 2013

UPDATE: I mentioned in previous postings that I was thinking about hiring a professional editor to work on Sleeping Dogs: The Awakening. I came to the conclusion that it would be a good move if I wanted to have a better chance to get the attention of the publishing industry and/or a literary agent. I also mentioned that I'd researched and found the person I believe is the right editor, Caitlin Alexander. We signed an agreement, and she will be working on the manuscript over the next week or two. She expects to get it back to me during the week of August 26. Yikes! That's just around the corner.

I wouldn't describe my feelings as nervous or apprehensive about the changes she may suggest. I fully expect a lot of input. It's the amount of time that will be involved in the rewrite. At the moment, there are two major real estate transactions underway, a new ULI course to develop and present in November, home renovations in progress, and the second book in the Sleeping Dogs trilogy in the first draft stage. But it seems a better idea to pause in the writing of that sequel until I've had an opportunity to see what suggestions Caitlin has. To one extent or another, the changes in the first book will affect the content of the second.

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